Letter to Mummy & Daddy - 28 February 1942
A letter handwritten at his boarding school at Ringwood, New Forest, from Christopher to his parents
Dear Mummy & Daddy,
Thank you very much for the letter it was very interesting indeed.
I was very happy to see Daddy on Saturday when we went together down to the sea and after the swimming bath it was a very nice walk indeed but the bath was very shallow indeed.
It was a very nice day to day except it is rather windy.
We have boxed once this term week I boxed a boy called Cobbet it was a good round and kept us warm that break.
I hope you are very well. I am very well indeed and I hope Mary, Pops and Cuffie are very well too.
Quite a few boys went out this Sunday morning for the day.
I have not asked Mr. Stedham where he lived yet because he is on leave this Sunday but on Monday I will know.
The term is passing very quickly now.
I am 4th in form order this week but I will be higher I hope next week.
Mr. Andrews has his birthday on February 27th 1942. He got some very nice billiards balls for the table and a maximum thermometer for his birthday.
Rose's uncle was one of the men which attacked the Scharnhorst by a Swordfish aircraft his planes crashed into the sea after he had sent his torpedo he was wounded in the back by a bit of shell they found him on a rubber dingy they saved him and he is in a hospital now. I do not know where but he got the D.S.O for it.
Galichan has gone out for the weekend.
Mr. Andrews has got some baby angora rabbits but one angora has died by the frost.
Our form are going to do the canaries now.
Mr. Radford has finished Alice through the looking glass it was very interesting indeed.
I am getting on very well with stamps and am swapping a lot of stamps with every one who is collecting stamps.
The snowdrops have come out now and are in full bloom.
With Love,
from Christopher