Letter to Christopher from Daddy - 16 January 1945
Written by Christopher's father while called up as a Flight Officer for the Royal Air Force during World War 2
My Dearest Christopher,
I am thinking of you at the moment possibly thumbs up awaiting the train to London. I hope you have a comfortable journey. It is very nice to have this pen to write with and whenever I take it out I think of you and George. With going overseas it will be more useful than we even could have foreseen. It was a long journey up here yesterday. The train just crawled along in fog in the Midlands. When I left Julian cottage the hail was heavy on the road to Bristol and the cars headlights wouldn't work so we crawled along there. I am living in comfortable conditions here until a few other officers arrive I shall probably be here a few days. There is nothing much to do. I am going to try and buy some shoes this afternoon I will post the ones I am wearing back to you.
Please write regularly to Mummy, because now I am not there she will be very lonely and my letter can't begin to assume its journey till I reach any final destination.
With my very best Love and all good wishes.
Your loving,
You can write to the address I have given and letter will be forwarded. But if you ever write to Mummy she will of course forward them.